Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where are you?

Where are you at in managing your health care needs? Are you the one with the illness? Are you a parent or caregiver managing your child's chronic illness or disability? Maybe you are taking care of your elderly parents or grandparents and you need to help them organize their health care needs.

Where do you start? It can be very overwhelming when you start to manage the health of your family. Especially, if you are managing a chronic illness, or disability. Your days may consist of medications, therapy schedules, doctor's appointments, ordering medical supplies, medical tests, lab work, the list goes on. And this is just for one person in your family. We are not even talking about managing your household, your work, or your marriage. It can certainly feel neverending.

I remember when we entered the "medical maze" when our daughter was diagnosed with a chronic illness and severe disability. Our world was turned upside down. The constant medical care that she needed was emotionally, physically and mentally exhausting. I felt I had no control over anything.

I began to stop focusing on the illness and I started to become more involved in our daughter's care. I became a proactive parent instead of always feeling like I was on the defense. I began to organize my time in scheduling her various medical appointments. I made a list of her medications, the strength, the dosage, the form it came in, how often she received it, the doctor who prescribed it, and the date when she started and stopped it. I did this with every area of her medical needs.

I realized that once I had things written down and organized the stress was gone. I was ready, I was prepared, and I felt confident that I was doing the best job I could to take care of her. The peace of mind that comes when YOU are managing you or your loved one's health care needs is priceless!


Thursday, September 10, 2009


So you are what? What can you do to empower yourself, educate, and train you and your family to manage your healthcare needs on a daily basis?

Whether you are home recoverying from a hospital stay or you have a loved one that will need constant 24 hour care one of the first things to do to begin to manage their medical needs is to "Get Organized"! Organizing all of the medical information helps to prepare you and your family for the medical changes that will take place within your home and in your life.

Do not get overwhelmed by the illnes, disability, or how many doctors, therapists or medications you have to write down. Take one step at a time, and begin today managing you or your loved one's health!
