Monday, October 19, 2009

The Caregiver

Are you the primary caregiver? Is your loved one a child, elderly parent, or friend?

Taking care of your loved one's medical needs can be challenging at times. Living with a chronic illness, where your time is not your own, can easily lead to anger, frustration, and exhaustion.

But, also being in the position of caring for a chronically ill, terminally ill or disabled loved one can be one of the most beautiful blessings in your life. The daily task of brushing their hair, helping them get dressed, or helping them to eat creates an open door of trust, respect, and love.

As you take the time to care for their medical needs, no matter how severe, you begin to create a bond of faith, hope,and love. Faith says to them, I believe in you. Hope says to them, don't give up I am here for you. Love to says to them, I love you and I will care for you.

Indeed, the blessing is yours!
