Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Are you packed yet?

Sometimes, your doctor's appointments can turn into a prolonged day of unexpected waiting, more tests, or even hospitalization.

You have worked your schedule out to be gone for a typical doctor's appointment; you get your other children off to school, your spouse is off to work, and you have changed your work schedule for the morning so that you can take your child to their appointment. You get to the doctor's office only to find out that they are running way behind. After waiting, you see the doctor and find out that your child will need some additional tests to be done, more lab work, and another appointment with another specialist to go over the last test results. A two hour appointment has now turned into a six hour appointment and you have had nothing to eat, drink, or read to occupy your time. All of this waiting can become frustrating and stressful.

There are times where waiting is unavoidable, things happen that are totally out of your control. One way to help you pass the time, and stay calm, is to pack a bag ahead of time to take with you to the appointments. These are items that can easily fit into your child's backpack, or in your bag.

You will always want to bring your Medical Organizer. This will have your child's most current and up-to-date medical information. Also, pack bottled water, reading material, a good book, magazine, or crossword puzzle, a healthy protein snack, and note cards. You can probably think of some other things as well.

Another idea to help pass the time while you wait is to enjoy the extra time with your child. Read a book to them, draw with them, play hang man or tic-tac-toe. By the time you are through with the appointment your child will remember the time you spent with them.

Penny Hanlon