Sunday, January 31, 2010

Renew, Refresh, Revive!

How do you find the balance between living life and living life with an illness or disability?

The difference between living life and living life with an illness or disability is living in the moment not waiting for the moment. Instead of waiting for things to fall into place, waiting for a cure, waiting for the next doctor appointment, waiting for the next test result, waiting for your child to learn the next step learn to enjoy your life now. Do not let the illness or disability be an excuse for you.

Here are some things to consider:

Renew -
Renew your commitment to your faith, your family, your finances, and your fitness. Too many times we look for excuses to not work out, to not spend time with your spouse, to not budget your finances each month, or to not stay grounded in your faith. Renew your commitment to yourself to stay committed to your life each day.

Refresh -
Refresh your mind and attitude with a positive, "I can do this" mentality. Your needs may be great or few. Your needs may be medical or behavioral. Whatever the case, refresh your mind with a positive attitude.

Revive -
Revive your goals and dreams of what you want to do, what you want to accomplish, where you want to be in spite of the disability or illness. Do not focus on what you cannot do but focus on what you can do. The challenge is to pursue life and live it.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great reminder to everyone regardless of our circumstances....we are all
    so blessed...first of all Christ died for us
    to have a full life...forgiven, and joyful...
    right here on earth...shinning His light in
    this very dark and hungry world.
    God Bless, Pam, South Bend
