Monday, July 25, 2016

Planning: Your Health and Fitness Caregiver Health and Fitness
One of the most important callings that can get pushed to the wayside is the health and fitness of the caregiver. The physical side in caring for your loved one requires strength and stamina. The constant pushing, pulling, lifting, and moving that is required make the physical health of the caregiver that much more important and vital to becoming the best caregiver for your child, aging parent, or spouse.

As you plan out your weekly calendar it is a "calling of the important" to take time for you and schedule "ON PURPOSE!” Pencil yourself in for exercise, a work-out at the gym, a walk in the park, or even some simple exercises in your own home. Do not push your health to the bottom of the list thinking you will get to it tomorrow.

Have you heard the phrase, “ain’t nobody got time for that?” When you are moving and grooving, getting your to-do list done and knocking things off with a check mark it is hard to change gears and put ourselves in the mix.

For me, my schedule would involve getting Gabrielle ready and off to doctor’s appointments, therapy sessions, going to school and having home based school once or twice a week. I would have the appointments to run the medical tests and then appointments to follow up with the doctor on what those test results were and what that meant for Gabrielle. Time spent on the phone for ordering medical supplies, medications, insurance issues. You get the point. This was time just for one child not to mention our other 3 children, my husband, and myself.

I know this all sounds counter intuitive to caring for your loved one who is really sick. Your loved one cannot do anything for themselves and I am talking about you needing to take time for yourself. This is emotional guilt at its finest.

For me, our daughter was completely bed ridden and totally dependent on 24 hour care. She had a beautiful smile that would light up a room and an infectious laugh and that was about it. But, when I would take her on a walk or we would go to the park as a family, or take her to the pool you could see the joy on her face. I would feel a sense of normalcy and at the same time feel really good that we got out for some exercise and we were together as a family.

The reason why your personal health and fitness is so important to being the best caregiver for your loved one is because it helps to decrease the stress. In the marathon race of a caregiver stress and the neglect of yourself will suck you dry. It can drain the energy right out of you.

Each step you take to become the best caregiver you will feel less stressed, more energized in life, and more confident in yourself. These are the steps that will bring joy to your life.

Remember, keep yourself in the mix. As you work at making time for yourself and your health you also take a step towards taking back some of the control that chronic illness and disability can take away. Plan on purpose!

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